Pascale Larose Grisé

About me…

The Beginning

They say there’s no place like home… and they are right! After more than 20+ years of living and working as a Fashion Stylist & Creative Consultant in New York City, I find myself back home… my childhood home… Montréal!

Growing up in Montréal, a city with a strong European culture, It inspired my love of all things artistic and stylish. my childhood was completely dedicated to the creative arts; ballet, music, drawing and acting classes were part of my everyday life and established my strong sense of artistic expression early on. Passionate about all these studies, I knew they would define my life and my career.

My fondest childhood memories always seem to revolve around food… from my sister and I on a hot summer’s day in my grand mama’s garden eating freshly picked fruits & vegetables still warm from the sun’s rays to feasting on an organic homemade and mostly plant-based school lunch – how lucky was I to be fed such healthy food so young – to being amazed by my mother’s newest elaborate and breathtaking cake creation – for me they were delicious pieces of art – to simply enjoying a picnic of egg sandwiches and a thermos of hot coffee – I was only allowed a sip or two but the flavor definitely stuck with me… it was always a delicious and beautiful adventure  for all the senses!

The Career

New York city is such a vibrant place to live…

I took advantage of everything New York had to offer and constantly worked to achieve a sustainable and successful career as a fashion stylist and creative consultant. I styled advertising campaigns for global brands like Clarins, Wolford, W Hotels, Anthropologie, Nike, and L’Oreal. I dressed celebrities like Juliette Binoche, Sandra Bullock, Scarlett Johansson and Jane Fonda. I collaborated with luxury retailers like Neiman Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue, Macy’s and Holt Renfrew. My editorial work has been published in international magazines such as Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Elle, and the New York Times. All just to name a few… I did it all !

I was starting to dream of something else, of expanding my horizons… don’t get me wrong, I got to meet and work with amazing people, travel the world and create beautiful imagery everyday… it was a fabulous lifestyle, but a girl can get tired of all that sparkle, constantly chasing after the latest trend or the elusive red-carpet gown.

In the exclusive world of fashion, beauty and storytelling, I was definitely in my element… it was exciting, creative and rewarding, sometimes glamorous but unquestionably a lot of hard work…the city offers so much but demands as much… and I loved every minute of it!

Over the last several years, I was feeling my life becoming monotonous …day in and day out – living on repeat… the career I had been so passionate about for so long was now, at the end of the day, leaving me empty…I knew I needed a change, a spark, something new and most importantly, something more personal. I was starting to dream of something else, of expanding my horizons…. don’t get me wrong, I got to meet and work with amazing people, travel the world and create beautiful imagery everyday… it was a fabulous lifestyle, but a girl can get tired of all that sparkle, constantly chasing after the latest trend or the elusive red-carpet gown.

The Pivot

At the beginning of 2018, my inner light yearned for something much more meaningful… something that would reignite the fire and connect all the passions that have always been the pillars of my life: Style, Beauty, Food, Music, Home and Wellness. So… I decided to quit, follow my heart, truly feel the fear and do it anyway… and, as any respectable Aries would, I jumped headfirst into culinary classes; a vegan baking class followed by a renowned holistic chef program…and for the cherry on top, a wellness coaching certification. All the elements of my dream were coming together, my own career’s creativity and expertise, all my life’s passions and of course my new acquired knowledge.

I was feeling pretty good about it all, until…

I was feeling pretty good about it all, until…

The Diagnosis

Fully immersed in the joys of learning and cooking in my holistic chef program, always busy with some new discovery or recipe, something happened…i was dealt a card that no one ever expects or wants…The big C, a cancer diagnosis. It was terrifying and at times numbing. After a few weeks of silence and denial i shared the news with my family and my closest friends…their unconditional love and support lifted me up and reminded me that I was not alone in this. Never mad at the news, i saw it as a sign and decided that this new challenge life was sending me would have the best silver lining… it would inspire me in my quest to create my new life: a life of harmony, health and beauty.

With the support of a community of amazing women -you all know who you are – I managed to finish my program, complete my internship in the kitchen of Saveur Magazine while undergoing chemo and radiation treatments and finally graduated, bald head and all, before the end of that year…I made it !!

This experience helped me realize the importance of family -cancer has a funny way of doing that- and sparked the decision to close, for the moment, my New York chapter, who knows what life will bring next… and move back to Canada to be closer to them. The transition has not been easy… the journey of reinvention, on the heels of cancer treatments and in a new country is a complex one, especially during a pandemic, but one that i find i share with many other women i meet every single day.

Some days were dark and others were beautiful … what carried me through these last 2 years, again, is my tribe of amazing women and finding inspiration and creating beauty in every moments of everyday…

The dream

I always dreamed of opening a multi-sensory café nestled within a curated shop of home and style goods from all over the world with a little flower kiosk in the corner. I also knew that I wanted it to be a place of gathering for women, offering a safe, fun and creative space for events and workshops for all things wellbeing, culinary and style. This little shop would serve as the basecamp for my community of women – a space just for she and I.

As I was contemplating my dream, I quickly realized that I was my own best customer – a women navigating big life changes, trying to reinvent herself, needing inspiration to reignite the fire within, guidance and tools to transform my everyday life and create the next chapter of my own adventure!

“Larose & Cie Inspired Living” is the fulfillment of my dream…it is the combination and expression of all my passions: Style, Taste, Home, and WellBeing…a sanctuary for women, by women, a place of inspiration, transformation and creation.

“Larose & Cie Inspired Living” is the fulfillment of my dream…it is the combination and expression of all my passions: Style, Taste, Home, and WellBeing…a sanctuary for women, by women, a place of inspiration, transformation and creation.

From my grand mama’s garden-to-table cooking, the creativity of my mother’s baking and my world travels that have inspired my love of all things home and culture to my fashion career that has honed my eye for style…combine all of those with a fierce dedication to a healthy and happy lifestyle and you have “Larose & Cie Inspired Living“!


I am so glad you are here.
Look around. Be inspired. Be well.
Join our community of creative and strong women. Dare to start your own new adventure.
We are all here for you, with you, and always remember… We are all in this together.


What my Best Friend would tell you about me…

She likes Fashion for Inspiration, but will always prefer Style for Creation

She believes pastries are edible works of art

She loves all animals…and totally adores her two kitties

She worships shoes; you should see her collection!

She is curious, always learning, a perpetual work in progress…

She fancies all things British

She always keeps a chilled bottle of rosé on hand

She can’t live without travel – for the culture, the inspiration, the experiences and the memories…

She needs humor to get through the day…laughter cures all

She can Dance all day with a good playlist…after all she did win a dance marathon in high school

She will try to find the silver lining in every situation…

She does indulge in sweets…life’s messy… nobody’s perfect

She values the human connection; family, friends and helping others…

What inspires me…


The power of women supporting each other…

Gathered around a delicious home cooked meal and a glass of wine, celebrating life… sharing our dreams and hopes, our  strengths and vulnerabilities, our failures and successes… creating deep bonds and lasting memories… or a simple one on one conversation about anything and everything… the fun times and the more difficult moments of life…

Holding space when someone needs it… being present for that person is something so powerful and fulfilling!


Nowhere do I feel more alive and inspired then in a big city…

From Paris to London, Montreal to New York, Prague to Marrakesh, Rome to Mexico City…

Immersing myself in the culture, walking the street- marveling at the architecture, tasting the regional cuisine, exchanging with the locals, shopping for unique treasures… always making sure to find a class or two     for a more authentic experience – Tango in buenos Aires, Regional cooking in Barcelona, Culinary Perfume in  Brussel – I always come back so inspired…

Giving back

I feel my best when…

I know that from a simple gesture – giving back, giving forward – I can impact the lives of women, young girls and animals. (starting at home and reaching out to the whole world…)

To support women’s right…
→ Planned Parenthood 

To help them grow into the women of the future…
→ Children International

To give them a voice…
→ Alley Cat Allies
→ SPCA Montreal

My mission in life is not merely to survive but to thrive and to do so with passion,

compassion, humor, and style.

– Maya Angelou –