
We buy houses, rent apartments, lease a flat, but how we create a home is much more personal. Like the clothes we wear, the homes we live in are an extension, and a celebration of who we are. It is our safe and sacred space, the place where we rest, heal, rejuvenate, and inspire ourselves…our sanctuary.

Life is hectic, in constant evolution… and sometimes, our home can reflect this outer chaos. We can show you how to adjust your space to help you keep the outside world…. well, outside. We’re not talking about a complete redesign, but sometimes the most subtle touches can have a profound impact on our mind, body and spirit.

We’ve all heard the famous saying… “less is more” …and we tend to mostly agree – it is good for clarity of mind, but we do love a few fabulous objects around us! At Larose & Cie, we seek harmony, not perfection. We like to say, make it your own, collect what makes you happy, surround yourself with what brings you joy… and of course, what inspires you!

Here you will find inspiration, ideas, insights, and tips that can help you spark your next vision of change. At the end of the day, it is a question of style, and we say YOUR style is always best.

You make the rules, we will help you curate it.

Home is where love resides, memories are created, friends and family belong, and laughter never ends.

– Unknown –

Work with me…

If you would like some advice on how to get more from your space,

our one-on-one, in person services include:


– A consultation to review your environment and opportunities

– A refresh of your space

– Adjustments for a better flow

– Ideas and tips on how to style your home


Let’s connect and create your own beautiful sanctuary!

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