
We are social creatures!

We love to connect, and we love to share – and food is one of our favorite ways of doing so…

The joys of cooking for oneself or for a group of people is a way of self-expression that brings us joy and satisfaction. Gathering around a table for a family dinner or teatime for one – the experience is the same – it is nourishment, love, and a way of creating lasting memories.

Every day we dedicate a lot of our mental energy to thinking about food- eating and nourishing our body. We experience each meal with all our senses: Flavors, Aromas, Colors & Textures…it is an all-inclusive experience.

Therefore, we believe in taking the time to properly set the table… choosing our objects with purpose, creating just the right ambiance, sitting down and being present in the moment to enjoy every bite is a key part of elevating the experience… even if it is a simple fare. Why not make it inspired and exciting!!

At Larose & Cie we are not very fond of “labels” … except may be on our jars!!
You will find our cuisine to be flexible – most recipes are plant-based, some are vegan, some are gluten free, and occasionally we will add a sustainably and ethically sourced protein like chicken or fish.

Inspired by nature’s local and seasonal offerings at the market or simply by what is left in my pantry and fridge that day, I love to explore new combinations or simply tweaking a great classic. No boring plates allowed!

Although I trained as a holistic chef, I consider myself to be more of a spontaneous culinary artist, so the recipes you will find here are for you to try, play with, adopt or perhaps be the inspiration for you own creation.

Join us at the table – you are all invited!

One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dine well.

– Virginia Wolf –

Work with me…

Delicious and healthy workshops in the making!

Check back often for updates…

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Let us know what you would love to see and learn…