
Personal styling
Wardrobe Makeover


Curated Recipes
Culinary Inspiration


Interior Inspiration


Mind + Body + Soul

Welcome to…

Larose & Cie Inspired Living

A community that celebrates every aspect of a woman’s life, we embrace the practical and healthy, and delight in the beautiful and delicious. A place of shared interests and a source of Inspiration to reignite the fire within, guidance and tools to help transform our everyday lives to create the next vibrant chapter of our own story.

They say life is messy and nothing is perfect…we tend to agree!

As we go through our journey, we have personal experiences and encounter events, big or small, that bring unexpected changes and can sometime leave us drained and visionless…

Where do we start? How do we lift our spirit back up? How do we reinvent ourselves?
There are no magical or ‘one-size-fits-all’ answers as we are all unique, but, at Larose & Cie we believe that inviting beauty back into our lives, infusing our day with small intentional gestures and being part of a sisterhood can help spark something in us.

More than a brand, we are a lifestyle, driven by a community of women anchored around four harmonious elements that are consciously linked to create a beautiful life. Style secrets and expertise to help you create the wardrobe of your dreams, delicious, creative and healthy recipes to delight your palate, home décor ideas and style tips to help you design your personal sanctuary, and finally, ‘how-to’s to make sustainable and healthy lifestyle choices.

Our community is virtual but there will be workshops, classes and get togethers to share ideas, help you learn, grow and blossom… so look around, be curious, infuse your day with great style, add a dash of humor, try something new… and above all – always stay inspired.

Step out of the history that is holding you back. Step into the new story you are willing to create.

– Oprah Winfrey –